InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme

Te Ahumairangi Global Equity Fund

In the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme, you can invest your KiwiSaver savings into the Te Ahumairangi Global Equity Fund. The Te Ahumairangi Global Equity Fund is listed as an investment option within the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme. Should they choose to do so, members of the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme are able to direct some or all of their KiwiSaver savings into our fund. 

To join the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme, and to select to invest into our fund within that KiwiSaver Scheme, visit

The InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme doesn’t charge any additional KiwiSaver administration fees. When you invest your KiwiSaver savings into our fund, the fees will be 0.62% per annum (including GST) and we won’t charge you any performance fees on top of that. You can find out more about these fees and other important information in the Product Disclosure Statement.